Transforming cancer diagnostics with computational pathology

Written by:

Hadassah Sade

Executive Director, Computational Pathology, Oncology R&D

Günter Schmidt

Vice President, Image Data Sciences, Computational Pathology, Oncology R&D

At AstraZeneca, we’re pioneering new computational pathology approaches, 将数字病理学和大数据与尖端人工智能相结合,增强患者选择,实现更个性化的治疗, with the ultimate goal of improving patient outcomes.

Beyond the microscope: computational pathology

In 1838, 德国病理学家Johannes m ller发表了第一个通过显微镜观察到的癌症描述.1 Nearly two centuries later, 癌症诊断的基本过程或多或少保持不变——固定肿瘤组织切片, 染色和放大以供人类观看-尽管工具和技术自勒时代以来有了显着改进. 

Over the past two decades we have seen the advent of technologies, such as high-resolution slide scanning, 创建免疫组织化学染色玻片的数字图像,可以很容易地查看和共享.2

数据科学和计算的进步使澳门第一赌城在线娱乐能够将数字病理图像与基因组相结合, radiological, clinical and other data, applying deep learning algorithms to gain novel insights.

通过从这些复杂的数据集中提取和分析客观和临床相关的信息, we can ‘see’ more than the human eye ever could to understand disease and guide treatment.

Known as computational pathology, 这种方法利用人工智能的力量来增强肿瘤患者的选择3 – a key part of our precision medicine strategy.


Transformational medicines need transformational diagnostics

As our understanding of disease and the options to treat it increases, 因此,澳门第一赌城在线娱乐需要一种精确的医疗方法,以确保澳门第一赌城在线娱乐用正确的药物治疗正确的病人, earlier in their disease.

For example, 抗体-药物偶联物(adc)依靠单克隆抗体独特的靶向能力来杀死癌细胞并减少对正常细胞的损伤.4 Similarly, 免疫疗法是基于对肿瘤微环境和癌细胞用来逃避免疫系统的防御机制的了解.5

Conventional pathology depends on manual, 对组织生物标志物进行主观评分,以帮助澳门第一赌城在线娱乐了解疾病进展并为患者选择最佳治疗方法. In addition, it is usually based on a limited subset of cells within a sample.


澳门第一赌城在线娱乐澳门在线赌城娱乐正在开发的计算病理学工具使澳门第一赌城在线娱乐能够以前所未有的细节分析每张幻灯片上数十万个细胞, much faster than previously possible.

这一代丰富的数据集让澳门第一赌城在线娱乐对肿瘤内部发生的情况有了更好的了解, 量化基于组织的生物标志物,帮助澳门第一赌城在线娱乐选择最有可能对治疗有反应的患者.

Quantitative Continuous Scoring: a new frontier in diagnostics

Quantitative Continuous Scoring, or QCS, is our novel, fully automated computational pathology solution.7 它利用人工智能在免疫组织化学染色的癌症组织中获得的数字整张幻灯片图像中提供有关生物标志物的详细数据.7

Not only does QCS look for the presence or absence of a biomarker, 但它也量化了染色的强度及其在亚细胞区室中的位置, such as the membrane, cytosol and nucleus, and analyses the broader spatial organisation of the tissue.8 这一信息与细胞内吸收的adc等药物特别相关, 帮助澳门第一赌城在线娱乐预测它们对旁观者细胞的影响,并进一步了解它们的作用机制.

Right now, we’re pioneering the use of QCS within our clinical trial portfolio, with regulatory approval as a first-in-class AI-driven diagnostic as a future goal. We are also exploring its use in multiple indications, such as non-small cell lung cancer and hepatocellular carcinoma, 并将其设想为临床试验和癌症治疗中患者选择的宝贵工具.

Seeing more from every slide

Computational pathology enables us to go much further than a single snapshot of a slide, moving towards a multi-layered, fully integrated ‘geographical map’ of the tumour and its microenvironment. Our ambition is to apply these tools across our portfolio, supporting drug development and enhancing patient selection for clinical trials in oncology.

It’s an incredibly exciting time for the field. 澳门第一赌城在线娱乐有新的工具,新的药物和数字方法,这些都为这项技术打开了大门. 澳门第一赌城在线娱乐也看到监管环境对这些新型诊断方法的热情和积极举措不断增长, suggesting the time is right for a step change.

Collaboration with pathologists, 仪器制造商和更广泛的病理界对建立常规至关重要, 人工智能驱动的诊断,并使这项强大的技术更广泛地用于临床试验中的患者. 澳门第一赌城在线娱乐正在与全球伙伴合作,帮助建立实现这一目标所需的诊断实验室基础设施.

除了通过提供更深入和准确的诊断为患者带来好处之外, 这项技术还将解放病理学家的时间,使他们能够专注于更复杂的病例,从而增加有影响力的分析和价值.

At AstraZeneca, 澳门第一赌城在线娱乐相信,计算病理学将为下一代癌症治疗和诊断的发展奠定基础, 改变澳门第一赌城在线娱乐进行临床研究的方式,最终导致新的治疗方法或改善患者的治疗效果.


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1. Hajdu, SI. A Note From History: The First Tumor Pathologist. Ann Clin Lab Sci. 2004;34(3):355-356.

2. Pantanowitz L, Sharma A, Carter AB, Kurc T, Sussman A, Saltz J. Twenty Years of Digital Pathology: An Overview of the Road Travelled, What is on the Horizon, and the Emergence of Vendor-Neutral Archives. J Pathol Inform. 2018;9:40. doi:10.4103/jpi.jpi_69_18

3. Sade et al. 使用计算病理学对免疫组化进行定量评估,可以为生物标志物知情的癌症治疗提供更好的患者选择, AACR 2022

4. Staudacher, A. Brown, M. 抗体药物偶联物和旁观者杀伤:是否需要抗原依赖性内化?. Br J Cancer. 2017(117):1736-1742.

5. Beatty GL, Gladney WL. Immune escape mechanisms as a guide for cancer immunotherapy. Clin Cancer Res. 2015;21(4):687-692. doi:10.1158/1078-0432.CCR-14-1860

6. Sandra O, Johi J, Walts A, Arkadiusz G. Computational pathology in ovarian cancer. Front. Oncol. 2022(12). doi: 10.3389/fonc.2022.924945

7. Kinneer et al. 2022. Design and Preclinical Evaluation of a Novel B7-H4–Directed Antibody-Drug Conjugate, AZD8205, Alone and in Combination with the PARP1-Selective Inhibitor AZD5305. Clinical Cancer Research

8. Schmidt, 2021. A scoring method for an anti-her2 antibody-drug conjugate therapy.

Veeva ID: Z4-54131
Date of preparation: April 2023